If supporting an indie site is your thing, please consider He's always had a really big heart,” Scott said. He also loves to speak to youth, young adults, and Schools. " Eleven Warriors is where Ohio State fans gather. “There’s a lot of division going on in our country. “They’ve had some hard times, and so, yeah, it’s really given them an appreciation. No reason not to. Gee Scott Jr. celebrating with Jerry following Eastside Catholic's Dec. 7 state championship game victory. After the game, the two would embrace even tighter. “That guy got that feeling of winning forever and always competing,” he said, referring to himself. Wednesday night's report from KING 5 came after Stanford During pregame of the Crusaders’ four playoff games, there Jerry was – almost always decked in an Ohio State winter hat and donning Buckeye gloves – giving Scott Jr. a big, fat hug.

(Photo courtesy of Scott family) We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

… That kind of started it, man, and so from then on out, I’ve started arranging rides and picking him up for games and taking him back. Very loud. He got some help from former Ohio State offensive lineman Rob Sims – the two became friends when Sims developed into one of Scott’s favorite customers at the dealership – and moved into Sims’ home for a couple nights every other weekend when his boys came for visits. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Strip it down to its core, and that’s what this story is about. It’s certainly given Scott Jr. and Zion more to think about. “Crazy how life turns around, right?” Scott says. He still has family living in Ohio, but he became homeless while living in Ohio and eventually found his way out to Washington about four years ago. “So they sent this list of five solar panel deals, shoes, tents, lights and all kinds of stuff, so next week, we’re pulling up with two semi trucks full of things for the entire camp. As a Motivational Speaker Gee Scott is a dynamic personality and has a great story that he loves to share. After that report, Scott – who had never previously commented on the allegations – took to Twitter to thank those who supported him throughout the past two years.

When The Great Recession hit in the late 2000s, it left many Americans fearful of what would come next. “Man, he was back the next game.

His dad believes the events of the last few weeks help exemplify his son's character. So, before kickoff of one of his son’s midseason Eastside Catholic games in October or November, Scott was approached by someone telling him there was a fan he had to meet. That’s the most impressive thing about this, is the love of others.” One chance-in-a-lifetime meeting for Jerry to meet a future Buckeye in the Pacific Northwest. “(This experience) is really important because my son, like me, we’ve never really had a relationship with someone who’s homeless so you really ask yourself, ‘why not?’” They went to see Jerry at Tent City 4, and, of course, the ever-diehard Ohio State fan let Hartline know he was a big A.J.

Hawk and Ted Ginn Jr. fan – and that the Buckeyes are underdogs against Clemson. Jerry lives in Tent City 4, just off I-90 east of Issaquah. Thousands were left jobless, homeless, or both. Ten years later, he’s bounced back from the adversity, landing on his feet to become one of the premier radio hosts in the Seattle area, an MC for Seahawks game days and a successful auctioneer. “Right now, we’re dealing with some weird times, man,” Scott Sr. said.

“They’re not like Jerry. “Gee’s got a really big heart. He downplays it a bit, but it was one of the hardest times Scott Sr. has endured. Eastside Catholic won every game Jerry attended, including when it won a second straight 3A state championship on Dec. 7 that let Jerry really show his passionate side. “I asked (Jerry), ‘Have you ever met him?’” Scott Sr. said. Gee Jr. loves the pregame hugs he gets from Jerry and the postgame hugs he gets from Jerry. “It serves as a reminder that all of us are one decision away from having an entirely different life, you know what I mean?” Scott said.

“He gives crazy hugs, man. “That’s not me. Over the past two years, Ohio State freshman wide receiver Gee Scott Jr. has faced accusations that he was involved in an alleged rape by football players at …