(Extinguish All Hope) Erebos's minions hunt the Returned and warn those who consider the same folly.

He is an effective warden and lord of the Underworld realm. He envies the sunlit world of the living, but only in a daydream-like way. And because he is lord of the Underworld, where gold is common and valueless, he is also the god of wealth. He is not without compassion, but his compassion is limited to feeling on behalf of others what he himself feels, and his acceptance of his fate means that his lieges, the dead, must accept theirs. The first group is the smallest but the most dangerous because they seek to bring about a confrontation between Heliod and his shadow. Erebos (also spelled as Erebus) is the name for the great black walls of Hades' kingdom. Join The Fan Lab, a private Fandom research community for users in the US and UK where you will be asked to share your opinions on all things gaming and entertainment! That shadow became Erebos, the god of death. God of Darkness and Mist, Erebos was one of many beings to emerge from the void of Chaos, alongside Gaia and Tartarus. Erebos wields Mastix, a golden-handled whip with an impossibly long lash. That shadow became Erebos, the god of death. In time, Erebos accepted his role, knowing that although Heliod had banished him, he would always stand behind the sun god. Proud Alkmenos, who would not bow to Erebos in death, is now bowed by his own hubris for all eternity. Because of his own origins, he is also the god of misfortune, ill fate, begrudging acceptance, envy, and bitterness. Erebos is an effective warden and lord of the Underworld realm. To members of the cult of Erebos, gold-infused tattoos symbolize the inevitable grasp of the god of death. Shortly after the universe came into existence, he took his sister, Nyx (“Night”), as his consort, and the two of them sired numerous children, including Hypnos (“Sleep”), Thanatos (“Death”),Aither (“Light”), Eris (“Strife”) and Charon.As Erebos the primordial, he represent the darkness that fille the depth hollows of the world. Although it might seem as though Erebos is connected to Nyx more closely than the other gods, this isn't the case. In Greek mythology, Erebus /ˈɛrɪbəs/, also Erebos (Ancient Greek: Ἔρεβος, Érebos, "deep darkness, shadow" or "covered" ), was often conceived as a primordial deity, representing the personification of darkness; for instance, Hesiod's Theogony identifies him as one of the first five beings in existence, born of Chaos. The whip is a means of inflicting pain when he must, but it… (Weight of the Underworld) Erebos rules over death and the Underworld, but these aren't his only duties. "Ask of Keranos that you may understand the stars that mark your destiny. Implore Erebos that you may accept the fate thus divulged." The final group is Erebos' favorite — those who have been cast out and who seek peace with their fate. In fact Erebos grew jeleous of his counterpart and grew dark and withdrawn. He idly envies the sunlit world of the living, but only in a daydream-like way. (Divination) Because of his own origins, he is also the god of misfortune, ill fate, begrudging acceptance, envy, and bitterness. He doesn't take pleasure in the suffering of others, but he sees it as a necessity in the order of Theros.The god of the underworld is worshipped by those who exalt death, those who desire wealth, and those who pray for acceptance of their fates. The god of the underworld is worshipped by three distinct sets of mortal beings: those who exalt death, those who desire wealth, and those who pray for acceptance of their fates. When Heliod saw it, he feared and banished it, sending it beyond the so-called Rivers That Ring the World, the five rivers that form a boundary between Theros and its Underworld. When the sun first shone on Heliod, god of the sun, the first shadow was cast. It may seem that Erebos is connected to Nyx more closely than the other gods, thanks to Erebos is a jealous and tyrannical ruler, proud of his domain as lord of all that ever lived. However, he is not without compassion, but his compassion is limited to feeling on behalf of others what he himself feels, and his acceptance of his fate means that his lieges, the dead, must accept theirs. Athreos ferries them across the rivers to join Erebos in the Underworld where they are meant to spend eternity. Your opponents can't gain life. Because of his own origins, he is also the god of misfortune, ill fate, begrudging acceptance, envy, and bitterness. (Dictate of Erebos) Erebos wields Mastix, a golden-handled whip with an impossibly long lash, like a thin shadow that stretches on forever. Because the dead leave their earthly wealth behind, Erebos has become associated with that wealth, as well as with the abundance of (to him, pretty but valueless) gold in his realm. Erebos rules over death and the Underworld, but these aren't his only duties. Erebos is also the primordial god of Darkness and Mist. When others suffer, it brings Erebos peace, but not glee, because the alienation and banishment of others enable them to identify with his own. He knows that all mortal souls will eventually join him, which affords him a kind of satisfaction and certainty.