Very few members of a tribe were not warriors, besides dedicated hunter-gatherers and Troglodyte lairs were either huge caverns or smaller caverns naturally connected by tunnels.

Their sense of smell was so incredibly powerful that they could tell minute differences in scents undetectable to most races, to the point of having a language based on them.They spread and settled throughout the Underdark at some point after the fall of the Mhairshaulk empire. Half of the population of a clan was female, and half of the males were hatchlings. Though Troglodytes are best known for their rancid stench, those intelligent enough to understand the concept of 'decency' will often bathe regularly to seperate themselves from their more tribal relatives. Having one was a serious status symbol and tribes could be torn apart, either socially or physically, on who may possess them.Young troglodytes were raised by the whole tribe rather than by their specific parents and were actively encouraged to fight each other at a young age. Some, however, flee to civilizatoin to escape the brutality of the tribe, believing they can find acceptance, but find the civilized world just as hostile to their prescence. These celebrities include perhaps sometimes seemingly unlikely people like Vin Diesel, Steven Colbert, Joe Manganiello, Anderson Cooper, Stephen King and, of course, Felicia Day and Will Wheaton. Their skin varies from a light purplish-grey to a fair white-pink, with variations on the blue or red tone in their skin. A fiend was an evil creature from one of the Fiendish Planes, also called the Lower planes in some cosmological models. That and their short life span, and life expectancy, means that they often don't have utility for any kind of historical record, as to keep such would be viewed as a waste of time. Most notable of their abilities was their overwhelming stench. A god of gluttony and sloth, his visage is that of a massive, fat toad. Those who are too weak are either outcast or killed, with little tolerance for intelligence or talent (things that troglodytes lack the capacity to appreciate in the first place). Troglodytes from different clans will often combine their individual name with their clan's name, such as 'One-Who-Stalks of Those-Of-The-Stony-Bluffs'.

Such names are of a utilitarian nature and rarely have any bearing on the individual gender. Most troglodytes did not consider specific parts of the lair their living quarters and would fall asleep in random places. Their face and neck are framed by soft frills of crimson or pink and they have a frill of similar color starting at their forehead and traveling down their neck. Unter anderem gab es auch eine Seite auf der erklärt wurde wie sich die Namen auch leicht selbst zusammenbasteln lassen (D&D). Nicknames for Troglodyte. Sofern deutsche Übersetzungen vorliegen, ist für jedes Monster sowohl der deutsche als auch der englische Name angegeben. Chloe. This doesn't stop anyone from making a face in anticipation of the potential stench (and often one still lingers).

While they would eat any meat, they had a strong preference for human meat, causing ferocious reactions when smelt. 1 0. They stand roughly the height of human beings, despite reports of Troglodytes being towering behemoths. However, weakness of any kind from their leaders was grounds for mutiny. So keen was a troglodyte's sense of smell that they were capable of smelling fear, or rather, the hormones given off by creatures experiencing fear, and would target those who they could smell were most afraid.An unarmed troglodyte was more than capable of fighting with tooth and claw, ferociously tearing away at their enemies with primal savagery. They were eventually found by the As skirmishes between their tribes were common, and troglodytes had trouble planning for the future, they rarely posed a threat in the Underdark and were more seen as a nuisance for when they staged raids to acquire food.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Champions of Laogzed were capable of spewing globs of acid and were typically chieftains.Troglodytes were carnivorous, subsisting purely on meat they obtained via raiding. Troglodytes lack the capacity to plan ahead more than a few days, which means they will go on multiple raids or hunts in a single week, terrorizing all nearby settlements or towns. Their imposing nature is best associated with their menacing appearance, which makes them ideal thugs and bruisers. The stench of an angry or frightened troglodyte was so foul that it sickened all living creatures nearby, even after the troglodyte had died.