“If you want to keep on playing with girls all the time, I’m going to have to snip off your weenie!” Metaphorically this story has far more in common with "Fight Club" than it does with "Groundhog Day" or "Replay". Perhaps it was the bad translation - cheesy phrases like "Together they jumped for joy at Goro's lucky escape" abound. well, i think because of the "calm and serene" feel or aura that it gives to whoever sees it (just like what Makoto aunt's said. Makoto leaps back safely to the moment when she gained her powers, at which point Chiaki still has one remaining time-leap.

I like the writing but I would definitely liked the story be larger. She reveals everything that he told her in the future concerning who he is, the ability to leap through time, and his reasons for extending his stay in her time frame. He seems to be pretty famous. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time starts out a bit slow.Makoto Konno is a very clumsy high school girl. I looked everywhere to find this book but resulted to no avail. This, at 170 pages is a brief book, so allow me to be equally brief. After Makoto impulsively uses her final leap to prevent a phone call from Chiaki asking if she knows about time-leaping, she is too late to prevent her friend /Natalie Walters), from being struck by the train when he uses her faulty bike.

The girl leaping through time is a very short story, about 100 pages and the whole book is 170.

I might be inclined to write this off as me missing cultural cues, but I haven't had this difficulty with other Japanese books and media. Instead I found a somewhat dull story of a high school girl who repeats a day, skips over a few classes, and confuses her friends. While walking in the frozen city, Chiaki hints that his original era occurs after a worldwide catastrophe destroys mankind. My language exchange Japanese friend was all excited and This is one of the rare times that I find the movie adaptation (or in this case, the 2006 anime film) better than the novel. This is not a book aimed for adults, this is a book for very young children. 原作はもう50年以上も前の学研の中三コースと高一コースに連載されたSF青春小説。今の時代感覚からすると、とても単純明快なストーリー。その英訳で、英語自体は結構、自由間接話法や仮定法が多く、英語の勉強にはなるが、話が単純すぎて読んでいて飽き飽きした。種明かしがちょっとあほらしい。特に後半の「悪夢の本質」は、ほんと子供向け。ひたすら英語の勉強と思って読むならいいけど、成人になった人にはお勧めできません。かといって本当の中三〜高一の生徒さんには、英語がかなり手ごわいでしょう。一か所、MasakoがMarikoになっていたのがご愛敬。 The novel is the basis for several television and film adaptations, including an acclaimed anime film directed by Mamoru Hosoda.I watched the anime film The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and found out that it was based on a book by Yasutaka Tsutsui.

So, today I read the book.. and saw the movie.

I came to read Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo, or as it's officially translated, "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time", after first watching part of the (loose) anime adaptation in class and then viewing the book's film sequel (free on Amazon Prime!).

However she is transported a few minutes back in time to before the accident.

Animation & Artists Moving Image 2006 100 mins Tsutsui is great at directing scenes, creating tension and make a lot of things happen in the limited space of the light novel.

At first, Makoto uses her power extravagantly to avoid being late, to get perfect grades on tests, and even relive a single session for several hours. As Chiaki leaves, he tells Makoto he will be waiting for her in the future to which Makoto responds that she will run towards him.The girl who leapt through time Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. And not just any art restorer - the art restorer who has been working on Chiaki's painting for years.

This book actually reads more like a synopsis or prologue. However, the writing was...not good. However, the writing was...not good. Be the first to ask a question about The Girl Who Leapt Through Time With only a few time leaps left, she attempts to make things right for everyone.

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, old painting are the most prominent tags for this work posted on August 8th, 2009. Despite my disappointment with the live action movie Time Traveller: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, I was looking forward to this book – possibly one of those instances of me being too attracted to cover art. The cover is gorgeous, plus I had been wanting to see the anime movie with the same title for ages. I knew something about this book being adapted into a manga or an anime or something, so I thought it might be fun. Wish I'd just watched the movie instead of wasting my money!

I've heard so much about the MOVIE "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time", so I was assuming that this book would be awesome.This... wasn't what I was expecting. 星の数は、単なるデータの平均ではなく、機械学習によって評価されています。機械学習においては、直近のレビューの評価や、購入状況など、フィードバックの信頼性を確立するために、複数の要因が考慮されます。このショッピング機能は、Enterキーを押すと商品を読み込み続けます。このカルーセルから移動するには、見出しのショートカットキーを使用して、次の見出しまたは前の見出しに移動してください。このショッピング機能は、Enterキーを押すと商品を読み込み続けます。このカルーセルから移動するには、見出しのショートカットキーを使用して、次の見出しまたは前の見出しに移動してください。 This... wasn't what I was expecting. Two novellas for the price of one, so to speak.