Police say while they cannot respond to single incidents without more details, they take cultural concerns very seriously. Muslims in New Zealand. Dr Nakhid posted two questionnaires on Survey Monkey last April and advertised them to young Africans through Facebook and other media. She will present the report to an African youth forum at the Wesley Community Centre in Mt Roskill at 3pm tomorrow. Abel Tasman from the Netherlands came to the south island in 1642 and dubbed the territory with its current name. The police website lists 13 Maori, Pacific and ethnic liaison officers across the three Auckland police districts and eight in the rest of the country.

A 29-year-old Somali builder, Vegita, said a police officer stopped him when he was driving home at night and said: "What are you doing in the area, criminal?" The Somalian population in Victoria began to increase after civil war broke out in Somalia in 1991.

The Somali in New Zealand: A detailed ethnic people profile with photo, map, text, statistics and links. However, there is a significant lack of research about the mental health of Somali refugees in New Zealand, particularly in Christchurch. The distribution of Somalis abroad is uncertain, primarily due to confusion between the number of ethnic Somalis and the number of Somalia nationals.

Signing in allows you to ask questions in our community, contribute to our cost of living database, and more. There are about 1000-1100 Somalis or about 200 families in Auckland. Meanwhile, the population of Somalia is ~11.0 million people (6.5 million fewer people live in New Zealand).

One young man said: "If they see you as a black man with a white woman in the car ... they pull the girls aside and ask, 'Are you OK?'" "But if there are individual cases, it should not be tolerated in 2016," he said.On the go and no time to finish that story right now? Muslims account for just about one percent of New Zealand's population. But he said that did not justify being called "criminal". "Valuing diversity is now one of the core values of the NZ Police and we have a responsibility to encourage and grow the cultural competencies of our staff and actively recruit from all communities," she said. A 31-year-old Kenyan graduate whose car broke down on the harbour bridge at 2am said the police officer responded: "Ooh, like, 'So he came with the n*****s,' and that kind of stuff." The earliest Muslim presence in New Zealand dates back to the late 19th century. She also interviewed 31 young Auckland Africans, including 25 from Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea. Background.

This to-scale map shows a size comparison of Dr Nakhid said this treatment cannot continue. With by far the largest Somali American population in the United States - estimates of up to 100,000 - the insular ethnic community in Minnesota offers a rich recruiting ground. Immigration History from Somalia to Victoria. According to official statistics on immigrants, Somalis had higher unemployment and dependance on social welfare while the crime rate of young male Somalis was high. The Muslim population remained less than a hundred until after the Between 1961 and 1971, the Muslim population increased from 260 to 779. Register with us and content you save will appear here so you can access them to read later. The population is distributed along the horizontal axis, with males shown on the left and females on the right. The latest Census was conducted in 2011. This is the population pyramid for Somalia. At present almost one in four persons in New Zealand’s 4.3 million population is overseas-born.

Islam in New Zealand is a religious affiliation representing about 1% of the total population. New Zealand gunman sent manifesto to PM minutes before attack. PopulationPyramid.net Population Pyramids of the World from 1950 to 2100. Somali refugees who came to New Zealand in the 1990s, fleeing civil war, drought and famine, were the first black Africans to settle in New Zealand in significant numbers. Large-scale Muslim immigration began in the 1970s with the arrival of Fiji Indians, followed in the 1990s by refugees from various war-torn countries. "I have a history with the police," Vegita said.

The prayer and two-minute reflection were broadcast live on national media outlets and came as an estimated 20,000 people, including Prime Minister while New Zealand is approximately 268,838 sq km, making The Somalis in New Zealand need to learn language and job skills that will prepare them for the new urban high-tech culture. A 28-year-old Somali commerce graduate told her: "If I'm wearing a hoodie I get pulled over, if I am wearing a hat I will be pulled over, and I don't get a breathalyser if I am wearing my suit from work." Young Africans have told AUT researcher Dr Camille Nakhid that police have stopped them on the streets or in cars for no apparent reason except their colour, beaten them, called them "n*****s", told them to "go back to your country" and even told them to go back to Mt Roskill when they visited the North Shore. Somalia is approximately 637,657 sq km, Mailing List - See more. Population Pyramids: Somalia - 2050. Unemployment among immigrants rose higher than for the indigenous population in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis.Relations between the modern-day territories of Somalia and

New Zealand Population History. ... Turkey, Somalia and Afghanistan. The Somali community in Victoria is new and relatively small. Only 13,464 people of African ethnicity were counted in the 2013 Census, just 0.3 per cent of New Zealanders.

The British began to inhabit the area in the early 1800s.