Proteus mirabilis produces a cytoplasmic urea-induced multimeric, nickel metalloenzyme urease [105] that hydrolyses urea to ammonia and carbon dioxide.Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common nosocomial infections.

Proteus hauseri 2. Rather, it is rod shaped. Proteus mirabilis is a Gram-negative and anaerobic bacterium, which upon laboratory analysis demonstrates swarming motility (coordinated translocation of the bacterial population across solid surfaces) and urease activity. If an abscess has formed because of the infection, surgical removal will be the most recommended approach. Immediate medical intervention is necessary before the symptoms become life-threatening and the patient dies from suffocation. Proteus mirabilis is the second most common cause of uri-nary tract infections and is also an important cause of nosoco-mial infections (25). The kidney stones can reach impressive dimensions, leading to obstruction at the level of the renal system and even to renal failure.In case of chronically-ill patients or in those who stay in the hospital for prolonged periods of time, Proteus mirabilis can also lead to the appearance of the following health problems: pneumonia of the lungs, septicemia (generalized infection of the blood) and infection at the level of existent wounds.Proteus mirabilis is commonly encountered in water and soil. Vulgaris is a flagellate… In the laboratory, the diagnosis of the infection with Proteus mirabilis is made based on the above-mentioned swarming motility. 56 The longer a catheter is in place, however, the more likely it is that P. mirabilis will be isolated from the urine. In humans, it is generally found at the level of the intestinal tract, being part of the normal human intestinal flora. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V.URL: Medical Microbiology (Second Edition), 2015Urinary Tract Infections Caused by Proteus mirabilisMark T. Whary DVM, PhD, DACLAM, ... Stephen W. Barthold DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP, in Proteus mirabilis biofilm formation and catheter designPreventing Infection Associated with Urethral Catheter BiofilmsProduction and Assay of Murine Anti-Allotype AntiseraLaboratory Diagnosis and Therapy of Infectious DiseasesPrinciples and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (Fourth Edition)The Comprehensive Sourcebook of Bacterial Protein Toxins (Fourth Edition)ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. This rod-shaped bacterium has the ability to produce high levels of Swarming is a specialized form of motility that groups of multicellular, flagellated bacteria can undergo to expand their populations to new locations.The swarming process continues as periodic cycles of cell differentiation, population migration, and consolidation as the bacteria undergo these changes in response to environmental stimulants. Proteus mirabilis is commonly encountered in water and soil. However, it should be noted that the bacterium has developed resistance to certain antibiotics, such as tetracycline and nitrofurantoin. Apart from that, for the duration of the antibiotic treatment, it is recommended that probiotics are administered as well (so as to protect the healthy intestinal flora). Urease is known to transform the urea into ammonia, hence the alkalinity of the urine.
Shape – Proteus Vulgaris is a short, straight rod shape (bacillus) bacterium.Size – The size of Proteus Vulgaris is about 1–3 µm × 0.5 µm (micrometer).Arrangement Of Cells – Pr. In patients who suffer from other pre-existing conditions or those who have a compromised immunity, the mortality rate remains at a high level.Some patients might present anaphylactic reactions to the administration of antibiotics, so this risk has to be taken into consideration.

The health information provided on this web site is for educational purposes only and is not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. In many cases, the medical staff is also affected by this bacterium. Apart from that, it seems that Proteus mirabilis is unable to metabolize lactose and it has a very distinct odor (fishy smell).If the patient does not respond to the antibiotic treatment, the doctor will most likely suggest ultrasonography or a CT scan.