It is most common in animals, but human cases have been reported. Visceral leishmaniasis is also known as kala-azar, black fever, and Dumdum fever, and is the most severe form of leishmaniasis. Schistosomiasis is widespread throughout the tropics. Consuming undercooked pork can lead to tapeworm infection in the small intestine with each worm shedding copious amounts of eggs.

Or maybe an even nastier parasite? Larval cestodes of the genus are typically found in the liver as closed cysts which grow by expansion, then infiltrate and destroy tissue.infection (the dog roundworm), is distributed worldwide. It can travel in certain white blood cells (macrophages), causing them to rupture.
parasites, which can directly invade brain tissue. Now, you can stop imagining, because these parasites very much exist.Of course, we're not talking about actual mind control. Seizures and changes in consciousness can result from cerebral malaria.

Most human schistosomiasis cases are caused by . Without the host, parasites cannot live, grow, and multiply. Infection with can lead to ocular lesions—yellowish lesions that build upon the “white part” of the eye., gets into the human body through the bite of infected mango flies in tropical parts of Africa.

The patient’s blood becomes sludgy as red blood cells stick together in clumps.

A parasitic organism lives in another organism, called the host, and often causes harm to it. Prevention techniques include eating only fully cooked meat, avoiding kitty litter boxes or wearing gloves to clean them, wearing gloves while gardening, and thoroughly washing fruits and vegetables.

Pinworms can cause itching around the anus, which can be severe enough to disturb sleep. However, some people may show general gastrointestinal symptoms.Ascaris is a roundworm parasite similar to a hookworm, although it is just a few inches long. Larvae migrate through human tissue and enter the bloodstream, where they mature into adults that mate and release fertilized eggs.

Other tapeworm species live in water, and drinking unclean water may allow them to enter the body.

They are small and have a rounded leaf shape.

The larvae penetrate the skin, enter the blood vessels, and migrate to the heart and lung. Parasites are not a disease in themselves, but they can spread diseases. Toxoplasma infections in humans are quite common (the CDC estimates that 22.5% of the population 12 years and older is infected), but many infected people are often asymptomatic or have subclinical symptoms. These worms cause liver, kidney, bladder, and intestinal problems. Different parasites have a wide range of effects in various parts of the body.Parasites in the digestive tract can affect key stages of digestion and absorption.Certain parasitic protozoa (one-celled organisms) and flukes (flat, leaf-shaped worms) can cause infections of the human circulatory system.Parasites that infect the brain, spinal cord, and central nervous system can be quite damaging and life-threatening, sometimes leading to lifelong disability or death.Parasitic infections of the lung by protozoa, nematodes, and trematodes occur worldwide and may affect the respiratory system in a variety of ways.Parasites of the human eye are somewhat rare. Thus, an infected individual may have Strongyloides for several decades.Strongyloides infection is often asymptomatic, but mild symptoms can manifest in the initial stages of lung migration. Patients may have minimal or no symptoms, but those who do experience:People who are without a spleen, elderly, or immunocompromised are more vulnerable to babesiosis.
The lung can be infected as well, leading to pneumonia or lung abscess formation.. Most of these problems are painful, annoying and embarrassing rather than fatal, but in the extremely unfortunate occasion that What's the worst thing that a raccoon can give to a human being?

Others can cause more severe problems and even lead to blindness.