Just about every app and website is guilty of it. As recently as last month, a European Union watchdog set up a task force TikTok may be massively popular right now — but if it hopes to achieve long-term success, the company behind it will need to learn to be more open about how it handles user data. That being said: this isn’t the first time we’ve heard damning whispers about TikTok’s penchant for broad and unwieldy data-collection. The articles isn't so much.Given the anti-China rhetoric in the US lately, I'm a little surprised they are allowing this app to persist. Around 2 months ago, Reddit user ‘ Bangorlol ’ commented on a discussion about TikTok claiming to have successfully reverse-engineered it. That makes this comment overlap almost 100% with my job.99% of these "let me tell you" posts are complete bullshit, but this one's the real deal IMO.Some of this shit is normal and nothing I'd generally be concerned about, but an open unauthenticated proxy, Mac address collection, etc, for once I can't think of a justifiable reason to do this shit. THEY ALL FUCKING ARE don’t try to protect tilt ok or Facebook when you still have Instagram or Snapchat it’s all the fucking sameI remember this comment cause I sent it to my gf months ago and she effectively stopped using tiktokI confess I am a pleb and a serf- I ask what does all of this information collection mean for us on a large scale? Having a state sponsored data vacuum like this is truly a national security issue. They're scraping This is literally the first one of these posts I've read that would have lead me to actually uninstalling an app, if I'd actually had it installed in the first place. The user claims that they have re-engineered TikTok, and that they are confident they have a good understanding of how the app works now. Not just into buying products via advertisements, but it can change voting preferences and be used to polarize communities too. Confident but baseless comments on reddit get FAR too much attention and benefit of the doubt.Instantly deleted it. Maybe the government is worried that if they do this Tik Tok, Europe or someone will do it to Facebook.Yay, so me watching shitty tiktok compilations instead of downloading the app was the right call.I don't wanna be that guy but he literally explains nothing. The reason data is the new oil, is because it can be used to manipulate people. There are at least two ongoing official U.S. investigations into TikTok, but neither has released any results.Back in January 2019, the Peterson Institute set off all this concern over TikTok by publishing a report calling the app Here’s the thing about that report: it centers on privacy concerns in China, rather than on TikTok itself.

But, as this Reddit post points out, none of the other popular social networking apps track their users to quite the extent that TikTok does.Being that this Redditor’s reverse engineering of the TikTok app is an independent study without much hard proof to back it up, it’s important to take this information with a grain (or two) of salt. I'm by no means pro-TikTok but I've seen comments on reddit that pertain to my … Posted by 1 month ago. Guy Who Reverse-Engineered TikTok Reveals The Scary Things He Learned, Advises People To Stay Away From It. What he says is most likely true but he gives no proof whatsoever.Software Dev with a strong focus on analytics and security here. While it may seem like a great alternative to American social media companies, one Reddit user who calls themselves bangorlol has suggested that TikTok is actually more invasive than any of its American competitors. Here is my next question: if we’re heading towards a 1984-type constant overwatch dystopian future, what can we do to stop it?Subreddit dedicated to the news and discussions about the creation and use of technology and its surrounding issues.Press J to jump to the feed. Fuck themDude claims it takes more data than Facebook goddamn. And banning Tik Tok while offering an American replacement would likely be a boon to the GDP. 64.1k. That being said: this isn’t the first time we’ve heard damning whispers about TikTok’s penchant for broad and unwieldy data-collection. This is true across the board, though — just about every tech company could benefit from being more transparent. "It seems TikTok faces skepticism about its behind-the-scenes practices just about every other day.

It is a great comment, worth reading. The latest drama for the app comes from a Redditor by the name of “bangorlol” Existing on the internet in 2020 is to accept that, at least some of the time, your data is being tracked and utilized by tech companies.