
Aug. 2, 2020 The money is usually headed to the Middle East, Dubai and points beyond. July 8 Thursday, January 3, 2019

by by CP Staff So, these millions in cash… actual cash… are being fed directly to Somali terrorists.

July 17 July 29

This is, I think, generally known, but the scale of fraud disclosed here is astonishing. The Somali community in Minnesota is represented by various Somali-run organizations. And the U.S. government os just letting these people carry it right out under our noses.The constant success these terrorists are finding in defrauding the government — both the state and the federal government — is emboldening even more theft.In 2015, investigators documented $14 million in carry on cash. In late November a gunman in Eden Prairie, a similar-sized city also in Minnesota, was arrested for threatening a group of Somali teens, whom he accused of buying burgers with welfare … That means it’s heavily loaded with children, students, and women of child-bearing age who have yet to become full participants in the workforce. So far it appears to be nothing.Pursuant to Title 17 U.S.C. Reddit.

Somali Muslim Immigrants Stealing MILLIONS in Welfare from Minnesota. Ali argued that the $1 million was too high, so the court reduced it to $200,000.

In 2018 it was uncovered that Somalis had perpetrated a massive, community wide scam against the welfare state of Minnesota, stealing an incredible $100 million from a …

Of course, the truth was that there weren’t any children at all.The money is carried out by Muslim operatives who work outside the banking system called a In any case, the U.S. government allows this Muslim tradition to continue and will allow Muslims to fly out of the country any amount of cash they want as long as they declare the amount in customs forms.

Prosecutors were very concerned that Ali could be a flight risk and argued against the change in bail. by Immigrants, largely concentrated in the Twin Cities, provide for $1.1 billion in state and local taxes each year.All-access pass to top stories, events and offers in the Twin Cities. Among people whose worldview doesn’t linger on empathy, there’s a myth that Minnesota’s 50,000 or so Somalis came here to do little more than mooch welfare and bathe in our tropical weather.The logic, if one could call it that, is that a people who endured lawlessness, genocide, and abject poverty were supposed to instantly thrive in a new land, avoiding state aide while simultaneously not stealing our jobs.But the latest snapshot from the U.S. Census Bureau shows that Somalis – and Minnesota’s immigrants in general – are doing as well as can be expected. Actually what is astonishing is that a local news media outlet investigated and broke the story. at

July 28 These Muslims are literally taking out millions in cash.On the morning of March 15, Fox 9 chased a tip about a man who was leaving the country.

Content is Copyright 1997-2020 the individual authors. Aug. 2, 2020 by Tony Libera by Patrick Strait Minnesota chips in generously to help refugees adjust to life in the United States, but these costs make up a small fraction of the overall tab for public assistance programs. July 30

Site Copyright 1997-2020 Canada Free Press.Com by Pete Kotz

That’s well below the federal poverty line of $25,100 for a family of four.In other words, they’re working for sub-poverty wages so grandma’s room at the nursing home is clean, and your cat food order is shipped from Amazon. Tweet.

July 30 by July 31 Among these are the Confederation of Somali Community in Minnesota (CSCM) and Somali American Parent Association (SAPA), which offer a number of social services to the state's resident Somalis. Aug. 2, 2020 For one, the terror group al Shabaab.Kerns discovered some of the money was being funneled to a Hawala in the region of Somalia that is controlled by the al Shabaab terrorist group.“I talked to a couple of sources who had lived in that region and I said, ‘If money is going to this Hawala do you think it is going to al Shabaab?’” said Kerns. July 29 July 31 107, other copyrighted work is provided for educational purposes, research, critical comment, or debate without profit or payment. Share 63. by