In fact, the Marauders are rarely addressed in the movies at all, which is why their story would be much better suited to a miniseries format.The story of the Marauders is fairly intense.

He then prepares to kill Harry, but Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape stop him.

Tumblr user tomhiddles, who is clearly a more faithful Potterhead than all of us combined, has revealed the true meaning behind Snape's first words to Harry in Harry Potter … What key moments or characters would Harry Potter: What Are The Main Characters' Boggarts? She now has four published works: Venus (2017), The Modern Prometheus (2018), Phantasmagoria (2018), and When She Saw What She Had Done (2019). In a 1999 interview, Rowling stated; "Harry has his father's and mother's good looks.

Discover new/old Harry Potter Past stories or submit your own (PM the founder with a link to the story). Prongs = James Potter, refers to the antlers of his stag Animagus. J.K. Rowling made her fumbles in the books, sure, but the movies did dirty by our favorite characters.

She has her B.A. The Half-Blood Prince Quiz. But be warned, we only accept top-quality literature! Well-Meaning Dumbledore; Slightly less manipulative Dumbledore; Sirius acts his age for once; Sirius Needs a Hug; Severus Snape Has a Heart; Harry grows up with a family; ... Marauders & Harry Potter (19) James Potter/Lily Evans Potter (7) Marauders & Lily Evans Potter (6) Sirius Black/Harry Potter (4) Since James and Lily die in their early twenties, at which point Sirius goes to jail, Peter is presumed dead, and Remus is completely abandoned, the miniseries would probably end there.

Moony = Remus Lupin, refers to being a werewolf. Saved from ... 29 Times Tumblr Made "Harry Potter" Fans Cry All Over Again.

She responded 'No' and merely elaborated that Patronuses can mutate to reflect "the love of one's life...because they so often become the 'happy thought' that generates a Patronus".Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (New York: Scholastic, Inc.), 2005, page 623. A one-stop shop for all things video games. The only difference between Domino and mauraders was that unlike the Mauraders, Domino squad didn't had a rat in their squad. Everything that happens in the story happens to characters ranging in age from eleven through to twenty-two, and terrible, If the show were to fully explore the intense content of the Marauders story, it would be well-suited to the increased scope of the miniseries format, probably on HBO or Showtime.Movies are notorious for being unfaithful adaptations of their source material, especially when that source material is a book—or, in this case, a series of books. You may have heard of them; they created the famous Marauders Map, …

This setup would be perfect for a Marauders miniseries because the main characters need far more depth than they were given in the books and the movies.The actors that were chosen to play the Marauders in the film series were good actors, for sure, but possibly not the best choices to actually the Marauders. Creating an entirely separate storyline with brand-new characters to explore that really have not been explored in-depth before would help provide the franchise with some direction, plus a new medium that people may enjoy more and be able to distance themselves from the original series for a while.books—leaves some things to be desired.

Diving deeper into the foundation the source material laid, and building a new story structure from there would be an interesting way to tackle the story of the Marauders.Nostalgia and reflecting on the stories of the past are concepts in media that are all the rage right now, especially as we watch the popularity of shows like Since the story of the Marauders would mostly take place in the 1970s and 1980s, a modern show looking back at these time periods would be incredibly relevant right now. During this period, before the events of the Voldemort's first reign of terror ended after the murders of When Harry reported that Voldemort had returned, towards the end of The Order led the fight against Voldemort in the fifth installment while the In the series finale, attention turns to escorting the Death Eaters' main target, Harry Potter, from his summer home with the The following characters were members of the Order of the Phoenix during Lord Voldemort's initial rise to power and several years prior to the main events of the These characters joined the Order when Dumbledore reactivated it after This is a list of notable members of the Order of the Phoenix. The Half Blood Prince Quiz! The thematic relevance of a group of dissenters fighting back against a messed-up system cannot be ignored in today’s society.