Callisto’s interior may have layers of ice mixed with rock and metal, possibly extending to its center.Scientists think Callisto and Jupiter’s other satellites formed in the disk of materials left over from Jupiter’s formation.Callisto’s rocky, icy surface is the oldest and most heavily cratered in our solar system. Planetary scientist Geronimo Villanueva created the sunset simulations while building a tool for a possible mission to Uranus. Because the impact craters are still visible, scientists think the moon has little geologic activity—there are no active volcanoes or tectonic shifting to erode the craters. The time taken by Callisto to orbit the Sun is essentially the same as the length of Jupiter's year: 11.86 earth years. However, a 2011 reanalysis of Galileo data suggests that Callisto is not in hydrostatic equilibrium; its S22 coefficient from gravity data is an anomalous 10% of its C22 value, which is not consistent with a body in hydrostatic equilibrium and thus significantly increases the error bars on Callisto's moment of inertia. Since Callisto is Jupiter's moon, it takes approximately the same period to orbit the sun (its year) as Jupiter does. But, energy is another matter, and currently, Callisto's ocean is only being heated by radioactive elements, whereas Europa has tidal energy as well, from its greater proximity to Jupiter.Based on the considerations mentioned above and on other scientific observations, it is thought that of all of Jupiter's moons, Europa has the greatest chance of supporting The next planned mission to the Jovian system is the The study proposed a possible surface base on Callisto that would produce In December 2003, NASA reported that a manned mission to Callisto might be possible in the 2040s.Second largest Galilean moon of Jupiter and third largest in the solar systemCallisto's anti-Jovian hemisphere imaged in 2001 by NASA's The leading hemisphere is the hemisphere facing the direction of the orbital motion; the trailing hemisphere faces the reverse direction.The dimensionless moment of inertia referred to is In the case of icy satellites, palimpsests are defined as bright circular surface features, probably old impact cratersSteven Croft (1985) "Ripple Ring Basins on Ganymede and Callisto", [ibid] p. 206P.
NASA's next giant leap may be aided by tiny lunar robots that would help scout the lunar surface. Credit: NASA Visualization Technology Applications and Development (VTAD)

NASA's Juno mission has provided its first science results on the amount of water in Jupiter's atmosphere.
December 16, 2018 Yohan Graterol.

The older the surface, the denser the crater population.Callisto has a very tenuous atmosphere composed of Atomic hydrogen has also been detected in Callisto's atmosphere via recent analysis of 2001 Hubble Space Telescope data.The current understanding of the evolution of Callisto allows for the existence of a layer or "ocean" of liquid water in its interior. Psyche, the NASA mission to explore a metal-rock asteroid of the same name, recently passed a crucial milestone.

La longueur du jour, identique à sa période orbitale, est d'environ 16,7 jours terrestres.

Comme bon nombre de lunes planétaires, Callisto est en rotation synchrone autour de Jupiter. ... Callisto in one year. In the past, some scientists thought of Callisto as a boring “ugly duckling moon” and a “hunk of rock and ice.” That’s because the crater-covered world didn’t seem to have much going on—no active volcanoes or shifting tectonic plates. The partial differentiation of Callisto (inferred e.g. Cold staking is a protocol that rewards long-term coin holders for staking their Callisto coins. Jupiter and its moons orbit about 484 million miles (778 million kilometers) from our Sun.

Guiding that effort are NASA test directors, or NTDs. There also will be a partial penumbral eclipse of the Moon. Data gathered by the Galileo spacecraft and from models created by scientists indicates Callisto may have a salty ocean that’s interacting with a layer of rocks about 155 miles (250 kilometers) beneath the surface, key conditions for creating life.

Researchers have designed an ambitious observing program that will conduct some of Webb's first scientific observations. Such a prolonged accretion stage would allow cooling to largely keep up with the heat accumulation caused by impacts, radioactive decay and contraction, thereby preventin… More recent research reveals that this ocean may be located deeper beneath the surface than previously thought, or may not exist at all.

A year on Callisto is 10.5 Earth months. A research team led out of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center has detected water vapor for the first time above Europa’s surface. Zeus is identical to the Roman god Jupiter.Callisto is Jupiter’s second largest moon after Ganymede and it’s the third largest moon in our solar system.