However, if the horse is not eating or drinking and feels not well and miserable then call a vet and medication could be prescribed or administered to make him more comfortable and be at ease.Normally if a horse is sick and having a fever the veterinarian will most likely prescribe NSAIDs like Banamine (flunixin) and phenylbutazone are often given to bring down the fever.

It can happen also to very old horses that have been in the cold for a very long time. If your horse’s vital signs are normal as seen in the chart below there is no necessity to call in the Veterinarian.

improve the next time I do this thanks to the informative steps." However to ascertain this and to be certain it is best that you take his temperature. When a horse is resting the normal body temperature range is between 37.5 degrees Celsius that is (99.5 degrees Fahrenheit) 38 C (101 F). Since pre-historic time horses have been used for the consumption of food. If the temperature goes beyond 40◦C (104◦F), in a horse and is higher than the normal temperature then it can be called a fever, but it can also be caused by something that can trigger the increase of the temperature.

"This was really helpful as I had never done this before. Examine the eyes, ears, and mouth for any kind of discharge. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 93,091 times. Most often mild fevers can be very elusive, if it can be specifically pinpointed as to a bacteria or virus, then it will be much easier in knowing what medication or treatment the horse needs.A horse’s normal temperature should read about 99 and 101 degrees F, however, there are times when the horse’s body becomes hot and the temperature rises not because he is sick but because of intense heat on hot days or after exercise or running around the field or after heavy work by its handler.The horse’s temperature can also rise during the evening rather than in the morning. Leave in place for the recommended time on the thermometer instructions, then remove and check the temperature. Once the thermometer beeps, gently remove it at the same angle as you pushed it in to prevent injuries to your horse’s rectal area.

If the temperature goes beyond 38.8, then you call your vet. If the fever is just mild with two or three degrees higher than the normal temperature for a few days, then it is likely that it is fighting off a minor infection.Horse was vaccinated then the body is building up its immunity levels. Change of diet, diarrhea, exposure to other horses or cold weather, wounds or some kind of injury whatever that may have happened in the last few days are all vital clues to be given to the veterinarian which will be much easier for the doctor to make a good diagnosis and cause of the fever.

improve the next time I do this thanks to the informative steps." After this range, the fever starts at 39 degrees Celsius.

The best course of action to take is to note how high the fever is and how long it lasts if the fever gets too high the hypothalamus may switch to the cooling mode. By using our site, you agree to our Is it a sign of colic when a horse puts their nose to the ground? If it is at 38.3 degrees, 38.3 -38.8, and so forth then keep on checking every couple of hours until the fever goes down or breaks. Normal body temperature is 37.5 – 38.5° C, but environmental factors can affect the readings by 0.5-1° C. Horses tend to have higher temperatures in warm weather. Mares in stages of estrus may have temperatures higher than their normal. Pulse The facial arteries run on either side of your horse’s head and cross over the jaw bones, about a third of the way between the angle of the jaw and the muzzle. If he kicks out, you could be seriously injured or even killed. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice.

If the veterinarian thinks it is something more serious he will order tests and blood work to be done. 10 years and never had to do it.

Are his hooves planted as if relaxed, or is he restless and constantly shifting his weight? Viral infections tend to produce higher fevers and bacterial infections. We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. If yes, then have you ever got curious about how this fantastic creature has soBear in mind that just as the dog is man’s best friend, so is the horse!! Some horses will hang their head when in pain or discomfort, but the most common reason is the horse is resting and relaxed. Fevers can also be brought down by hosing or standing the horse in front of a fan or administering cooled fluids via an IV.A horse with a high fever of 105 or higher may be prone to strangles, Potomac Horse fever, equine influenza or other infections. So a horse with high fever will most definitely show other signs of illness that may pinpoint to a specific cause. If your horse is feverish and it's cold out, a light blanket will help him/her recover faster. If these are apparent then there is something wrong with the horse.