and I got blue fingers waiting for her reply… Raynaud’s disease causes your fingers and toes or other areas of the body to … It occurs when there isn’t enough oxygen in your blood, making the skin or membrane below the skin turn a purplish-blue color.The discoloration of the skin could also represent a high level of an abnormal form of hemoglobin in the blood that’s circulating throughout your body.

However, with reduced blood circulation, oxygen starts getting depleted from the skin with the latter falling into a hypoxemic state. Without prompt medical treatment it can be fatal, sometimes within minutes. This generally is due to either a lack of oxygen in the blood or extremely cold temperatures. Many a times, blue hands and fingers is followed by bluish discoloration of lips, low pressure of blood, alterations in the heart rate, cold skin and a confused state of mind; all of which denote that there is something seriously wrong with the patient and immediate medical attention is required.Treating cyanosis at the earliest is the best way to prevent it from turning fatal in the future.

The frustration that results from a situation where you text someone and expect a reply but they don't reply for whatever reason So I texted her "What are you wearing?" Most commonly, … A list of conditions that can cause cyanosis include the following.Treatment involves the ability to identify the underlying cause and correctly restore adequate oxygen to the blood.Call 911 if your blue fingernails are accompanied by:© 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Hence, it is important to know the causes of blue hands and fingers.The medical term given to the bluish discoloration of fingers,The normal skin color is light brown as this is the color given by the skin pigment melanin. Blue fingernails are caused by a low level or lack of oxygen circulating in your red blood cells.

Our articles are resourced from reputable online pages. Special skin cells known as melanocytes produce this pigment which is responsible for the human skin color.

The narrow pathways make it difficult for the right amount of oxygen-rich blood to get to your nails.If normal nail color returns upon warming up or massaging your hands, the blue color was likely due to the that part of your body not getting enough blood supply because of cold temperatures.Blue fingers due to cold temperatures is a normal response of the body in order to keep internal organs at the right temperature.However, if fingernails remain blue, there may be an underlying disease or structural abnormality interfering with the body’s ability to deliver oxygenated red blood throughout.Blue discoloration of your fingernails can be caused by problems in the lungs, heart, blood cells, or blood vessels. The capillaries, which are tiny blood vessels in the skin, also contribute to the skin color.When dilated, the capillaries get more blood in it which means that there is sufficient oxygen in it. In dark colored skin people, bluish discoloration in the nails mainly helps identify the issue. Lung diseases, heart diseases and abnormality in the blood are the major reasons with many more too.

The medical term given to the bluish discoloration of fingers, nail bed and hands is cyanosis which is a condition that occurs when there is insufficient oxygen in the blood. Blue hands occur when the skin in the hands takes on a bluish tint or color. There are several reasons your fingers may turn blue. It may occur on its own or can …

There are times when a blue tinge may not be due to a serious medical condition and could even be entirely harmless. “Fingers Blue” is the first single from the album, and also the first time Purpp and Travis have collaborated. Here are some of the major causes of blue hands and fingers.No matter what the cause for blue hands and fingers is, it is imperative that you take such a problem seriously.

That’s because cold temperatures force your blood vessels to constrict.

This makes the skin look pink or red in color. It is necessary to seek medical opinion to get appropriate treatment and follow medical advice to prevent complications.This article on has been reviewed by a medical professional, as well as checked for facts, to assure the readers the best possible accuracy.We follow a strict editorial policy and we have a zero-tolerance policy regarding any level of plagiarism.

The most simple diagnosis may be bruising. Or it could be cyanosis, which manifests as blue coloration of the skin due to the lack of oxygen in the bloodstream. The sign of any blue color of the skin is always a cause for concern. Cold temperatures, …

Blue fingers due to cold temperatures is a normal response of the body in order to keep internal organs at the right temperature.