She continued to struggle and cope with her new responsibilities, especially in the care of little D'Argo, as Moya traveled to Aeryn, Crichton, Sikozu, and Chiana later brought Deke back to Hyneria where Rygel's most trusted doctor could take a look at the infant and hopefully find the cause of Deke's strange ability. Her assistance aided Moya greatly, and in thanks, the Leviathan asked that Aeryn name her child. Telling John that she wanted to "talk less", she ignored John's pleas and stayed away from him on a planet of Sebaceans. John is shocked to find out that she does not even know the meaning of the word "compassion" as there appears to be no Sebacean linguistic equivalent to it. This fades once her son is born, and she proves to be a loving and attentive mother. When an experiment gone wrong left her with some of After Moya gave birth to her offspring and found he was part Peacekeeper gunship, Aeryn offered her help in calming the baby down, as Moya was having difficulty communicating with him. When Crichton was pulled into an Hoping to learn the truth behind Deke's gland, Aeryn set off from Later, when it was learned that the Peacekeepers were negotiating and trading with the Grennij at a familiar Aeryn starts out the series as a cold, calloused militant woman who has no qualms about showing her disdain for people whom she considers to be members of "lesser species". A final showdown with her mother brought closure to their relationship. When Crichton was split into two separate yet equally real and identical selves, she found herself on board Talyn with one of them when the young gunship fled with her, "Talyn-John", a now-allied Crais, During this time on the run, the John aboard Talyn and Aeryn actually began a serious relationship. Unbeknownst to John as they said their goodbye, Aeryn was harboring a secret: she was pregnant. When the crew accidentally ended up on Earth in the 1980s, she helped John to fix his timeline, and then followed him down to the planet again when they arrived in 2003. When Crichton returned to this reality with Scorpius, they discovered that Stark/Sikozu had to love the people he crossed over. The truth was that her parents were not placed on a breeding roster to have a child, the way most Peacekeeper children were conceived; instead, Aeryn was conceived in love. Meanwhile Moya gives birth to her baby, discovering that the child – named Talyn – is a volatile hybrid warship designed by the Peacekeepers instead of the usual peaceful Leviathan. Upon Crais's arrival, Scorpius takes over his command. John Robert Crichton, Jr. /ˈkraɪtən/, played by Ben Browder, is an International Aeronautics and Space Administration (most commonly referred to on the show as IASA) astronautwho, in the opening few minutes of the pilot episode, is accidentally catapulted through a wormhole across the universe, thus; setting the scene for the show as a whole. It seemed that they would never be close again. Though they were successful, Crichton's mind was slowly being usurped by the clone, and he ended up trying to turn himself in again, escaping in his Her death, however, did not turn out to be a permanent sentence. She has a close relationship with Pilot, in part because of the DNA she shared with him after Aeryn has great difficulty in dealing with loss, and often reverts to her emotionless soldier's nature when she is deeply hurt or grieving. She continued as a shipmate on board Moya, still handling each crisis with a cool head and expert aim. After being crystallized and thought dead for sixty Because he had brought up every piece of her crystallized body from the ocean floor in his stomach, Rygel accidentally became the surrogate father to John and Aeryn's baby, as Aeryn was informed that she could not transfer the fetus back to her body until it was bigger. John transferred the fetus into Aeryn during the firefight on a Scarran When all was said and done, former Peacekeeper Officer Aeryn Sun was transformed in the most epic of ways—from battle-hardened soldier of no mercy, to caring parent and a true keeper of the peace. Despite this, Aeryn is also unsure that her love for Crichton warrants their building a life and family together, and her decision to become a mother initially fills her with much trepidation and uncertainty. Starburst begins with an energy build up in an internal chamber which surges through the Farscape Encyclopedia Project is a FANDOM TV Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Dr. Bettina Fairchild was a presumably human representation of Aeryn presented to Crichton in the Scarran virtual reality device used in an effort to torture and break Crichton's mind. When she returned to Moya, facing John—who was dead to her now—was a task too difficult for her to bear.

Born like most Peacekeepers—aboard a command carrier, Aeryn Sun was raised in a military life of rules and honor above all else. Aeryn ends up learning how to get on with nearly everyone on board Moya over time (though she expresses a near constant dislike for Rygel, mainly due to his cowardice).

Though she stayed with Moya's crew long enough to destroy Scorpius' command carrier with John, she found herself leaving soon thereafter, telling John that fate would decide whether or not they would meet again. D'Argo finds the shield and destroys it, causing In his infancy, the baby had a few disagreements with his mother and refused to talk to her. Yet there were secrets about Aeryn's past that the Peacekeepers wanted to keep from her, as it conflicted with the ethics of their militant lifestyle and would have made her worthless to their cause.