Wiz: General Ross then approached Banner asking him to work on a Gamma Bomb. The Avengers are at Avengers Tower watching the Andy Griffith show until Nick Fury's image flashes across the screen. Anyway, Hulk has INSANE strength and can throw tanks and create earthquakes. All is one in Darkseid. Wiz: Captain America is an excellent fighter being a master at Boxing, Judo, Kickboxing, Karate, Ti Kwon do and pretty much every form of martial art. But in Darkseid's case, he taps into the entropic aspects of the Source. Like all New Gods, Darkseid's power is derived from relative proximity to the Source of all existence.

Wiz: So Clint adapted his archery skills to become a hero, a hero being call "Hawkeye". Wiz: Thor also wears the Belt of Megingjord that doubles his already impressively strength and stamina! It's made of a mixture of a Symbiote and liquid metal which he can summon telekinetikly.


After Iyaza was transformed into a New God by the Sky Father when he begged for the return of his beloved Avia from dead, the brothers battled before Darkseid used his power to split the planet in two and crafts one half into a new world: Apokolips, where he reigns over his slave population of immortals as god-king with the only opposition being his brother, now known as Highfather, and the New Gods of New Genesis. Boomstick: When you think about it, he's not useless! This allows him to turn anyone into a mindless slave devoid of free will and personal identity, save those who could resist it like Static. Darkseid can also focus his Omega energy in other ways that include universe-wise telepathy and telekinesis, flight, manipulating matter and energy,

According to my calculations, the Midgard Surpant should weigh 324 quintillion tons!!! Wiz: The Avengers have fought many dangerous and yet powerful villains, what would happen if they fight... Darkseid? Wiz: And with uncle ben's dying words, "with great power, comes great responsibility" Peter became the superhero, Spider-Man. He also can crawl on walls, like an actual spider! „ ~ Darkseid " The ultimate evil requires that everyone alive, everywhere in the universe, should bend to its whim.

Wiz: The suit also has magnetism powers being able to pull metal objects towards him. Wiz: Cap was also given a shield made out of an indestructible metal called Vibrianuim, which he uses as his main weapon. Thanos VS Darkseid is the 103rd episode and Season 5 Finale of DEATH BATTLE!, featuring Thanos from Marvel Comics and Darkseid from DC Comics in a battle between godly space tyrants.

Wiz: You do not want to make the God of thunder mad.

Why his brother? He pretty much beats the crap out of everyone at this stage. The suit can even rebuild itself with nano-technology!

Clint grew up working with his father Harold, in Harold's butchers shop in Waverly, Iowa. Wiz: Tony's suit is very powerful but it's not his only suit. He's also a master tactician and has lead the Avengers in TONS of battles. But Thor doesn't really need his Hammer or belt because he can already blast lightning and cause hurricanes just by breathing really hard without his Arsenal! The. Wiz: He's actually so awesome, that he's worthy enough to lift Mjnoir, Thor's hammer! But Uxas despised the Old Gods and, after one of them rampaged in his village, manipulated the deities to fight amongst themselves in the event known as Ragnarok. But it's also possible to revert Hulk back to Banner.

Wiz: And Darkseid, the greatest villian of the Justice League. And it's our job to analyze their weapons,armor & skills to see who'd a Death Battle.

The concentrated beams are potent enough to harm or kill Superman, destroy planets, vaporize beings, and can hit some of the fastest characters in DC like Flash and Superman. He can also one shot Abomanation, knock out Namor, destroy planets with his fight with Gorr and even threw a planet out of orbit!

Darkseid is one of the most powerful New Gods and the tyrannical ruler of Apokolips, an archetypal world beyond the boundaries of time and space. Maybe Doomsday will be a third combatant to survive the whole fight.

wiz: He can even run up to 100 kilometers an hour, and can outrun cars! God. Like Darkseid, the Lord of Apokolips, the man who's obsessed with the "Anti-Life Equation". Darkseid would eventually obtain the equation while traversing the multiverse:

In certain events, Darkseid uses items to deal with his opposition and give him an edge.

Wiz: Luckly his aunt wasn't dead or crazy so she took him in and raised him. He also has an energy blade that cuts through most things and can make arm shields.

Wiz: Tony has built an artificial intelligence in his suit named J.A.R.V.I.S that tells him everything he needs to know about his opponent. Long ago in the Fourth World, Uxas lived on the planet Urgrund where his people worshipped the Old Gods who needed their prayers to survive. Before he could turn his own mentor in, he was left for dead, allowing his old mentor to escape town. Wiz: Every few thousand years, a cycle called Ragnarok happens on Asgard. I'm Wiz and he's Boomstick.

Darkseid also shares his kind's vulnerability to Radion, though his armor and power allow him to survive what would be a fatal dosage of the substance. He could cause the multiverse to be destroyed if he exist in his true form. Am. That is my aim. „ ~ Darkseid " I.