It’s purpose is to record events in the town/city from the beginning of Victorian times (1837) to Belfast first (although forced) redevelopment – the German Luftwaffe blitz of 1941. The name ‘Belfast’ comes from the Gaelic ‘Beal Feirste’ (‘mouth of the sandy ford’).

As a settlement, Belfast is relatively young. On 3 October 1932, 60,000 unemployed Catholics and Protestants marched together in solidarity to a torch-lit rally at the As the largest city in Ulster, Belfast became the capital of Northern Ireland, and a grand parliament building was finished at The year 1935 saw another summer of tension as the Church of Ireland Bishop of Down appealed to the public to forget the "unhappy past" and endeavor to work together.

Irish Unionists chose The political crisis heightened tensions in Belfast and rioting took place in July 1911. Belfast survived the Irish insurrection of 1641, and by 1685 it had a population of about 2,000, largely engaged in brick, rope, net, and sailcloth making. The Belfast area has been occupied since at least the The original settlement of Belfast was little more than a village,Recent archaeological excavations inside the former Woolworth's building beside Castle Place discovered a "gully trench" with medieval pottery dating the bottom-most strata highlighting physical evidence that had until then been relatively absent for medieval occupation of the town. Late 17th Century Belfast trades with the North American colonies. now the history Belfast dates back to the early 17th century and, although a relatively young settlement, is Northern Ireland’s largest, and the island of Ireland’s second largest, city. 1798 Rebellion. Sir Arthur Chichester was granted land in Ulster including Belfast Castle, which he rebuilt in 1611. All Rights Reserved. The Titanic and Ireland Bombing, assassination and street violence formed a backdrop to life throughout In the early 1970s, there were huge forced population movements as families, mostly but not exclusively Roman Catholic, living in areas dominated by the other community were intimidated from their homes, either directly or indirectly through general fear. The name Belfast is a corruption of the Gaelic words Beal Feirste meaning mouth of the sandy ford. Early Belfast. By Tim Lambert. The United Irishmen and Catholic Defenders were sensationalized by the attempted French invasion and their recruitment doubled in Ulster in 1797. The Belfast Timeline is a major local history research aid compiled by the Glenravel Local History Project. Three years later, speaking in the Commons, Joseph Devlin castigated the Unionist party for snubbing the willingness of Nationalists to cooperate, favoring "old party lines" and treating one-third of the population as political The economic boom from World War I had dissipated by 1922 and 23% of Northern Ireland was now unemployed. A cycle of killing continued right up to the PIRA ceasefire in August 1994 and the Despite the paramilitary ceasefires of 1994, today the city still remains scarred by the conflict between the two communities. Wolfe Tone noted in his diary that many Protestants were "ignorant" of the lifestyle of Catholics.In 1796, France launched an armada carrying over 45,000 men to Ireland, only to be prevented from landing by bad weather.

The only bill the Nationalists got through from 1928 to 1972 was the Wild Birds Protection Act. It’s purpose is to record events in the town/city from the beginning of Victorian times (1837) to Belfast first (although forced) redevelopment – the German Luftwaffe blitz of 1941. You are welcome to use any of it for private research, its type form is copyright to the Belfast History Project and when used for published research purposes the Belfast History Project must be acknowledged.© 2017 Belfast History Project. Robert Hixon, an engineer from Liverpool who managed the arms work on Cromac Street, decided to use his surplus of iron ore to make ships. Conservative Party leader, On 28 September 1912 Protestant Unionists met in the Ulster Hall in Belfast to inaugurate the celebration of "Ulster Day" and protest the People continued to sign after the Covenant past 11pm with women signing their own separate declaration. On 3 August 1914. A small town soon grew up in its shadow. Clifton Street Cemetery had been opened in 1796 by the old Belfast Poor House to provide a site for the burial of paupers who died in their care and also to raise much needed funds for the running of their institution. Most of Belfast is highly segregated with enclaves of one community surrounded by another (e.g., Protestant Glenbryn estate in North Belfast, and the Catholic The city in general has seen significant redevelopment and investment since the Belfast saw the worst of the Troubles in Northern Ireland. However, the same percentage of Ireland as a whole were Catholic and for the re-establishment of a parliament in Dublin.

A Brief History of Ireland, a timeline of Irish history. One MP threw the mace on the floor and accused the House of engaging in hypocrisy. A small town grows up there.

It’s purpose is to record events in the town/city from the beginning of Victorian times (1837) to Belfast first (although forced) redevelopment – the German Luftwaffe blitz of 1941.

In response, at the Belmont Field, The post-war years were relatively placid in Belfast, but sectarian tensions and resentment among the Catholic population at widespread discrimination festered below the surface, and the city erupted into violence in August 1969 when sectarian The violence intensified in the early 1970s, with rival paramilitary groups being formed on both sides. He did much to encourage the growth of the town, which received a charter of incorporation in 1613. The separatist Unionists portrayed themselves as making a "great sacrifice" by conceding 26 counties, three of which were part of Ulster.