J-pop? The party of kids stumbles across an old, broken building containing an amalgamation of anomalies.The kids have learned to exploit the glitch in the Matrix for their own enjoyment through several areas which seem to defy real world physics such as: a soda can floating mid-fall, glass bottles reassembling moments after being shattered, rain falling from a sunny sky, broken light bulbs flickering briefly (during which they seem perfectly intact), a door which opens to vast nothingness, shadows that do not align with their physical origin, and a dove feather that spins mid-air. He questions her concentration and wonders whether she regrets taking the Red Pill that took them out of the "peaceful life of the virtual world". A nearby Agent calls his other agents to tell them that they erased Dan's memory of the race and that he will never walk again, nor be an issue for them. At the Kid's funeral, among the people is his teacher, who converses with another school staff member and says that the world they live in is not real and the real world is somewhere else.

In the building, when Yoko finds a missing Yuki again, she sees one last anomaly where she opens a door that leads into an endless dark void before being found by the exterminators. The team clears everybody out of the building. Light bursts from the sky as Yoko slowly levitates to the ground, hugging herself. Before he can cross the finish line, the Agents detect that his "signal" is getting unstable in the Matrix due to his massive burst of energy.

The next scene shows a crippled Dan being wheeled through a hospital. The race begins and Dan starts off strong. In both the scene and Initially, the two duel as allies, testing one another's fighting abilities. heres the link to the video, plz turn the volume up so you can hear the song that she listens She picks it up and cuts her finger on the opened lid. Dan then stands, breaking the metal screws that bind his restraints to his wheelchair, and takes a few steps before falling down and being helped up by a nurse. Duo becomes more aggressive in his arguments, saying that he does not care about the truth anymore and how they live their lives is important because what is real does not matter.

The robot plugs the dying Alexa and itself into the rebels' matrix.

As Cis becomes incredulous, their battle becomes more serious and forceful and they both end up on a rooftop. Kids playing a contest to see who can reach the ground first without hitting it.There is a large open space in the middle where they take turns jumping off a high point, free-falling towards the ground yet somehow stopping just inches before impact; this proves amusing, and they seem unbothered by the inherent strangeness. The burst of energy causes Dan to be unplugged from the Matrix and wake up in his power-station pod, where he sees the real world through his pod. Dan's mind is thrown back into the Matrix, where his body is instantly exhausted from the race and Dan tumbles to the ground at high speed. Through strong willpower, Dan ignores the injury and runs much faster than he did before, easily passing the other athletes. Thanks! The rebels and the attacking machines are all killed or destroyed, except for the runner. One of them tells her Yuki is over at the haunted house, and he invites her to come to see it. However, Dan whispers the word "Free", angering the agent. The track is Chris Neilman - Animatrix Beyond. plz tell me if you know, i'd be so glad. I've been looking for this music for years and I finally found it. Beyond is an episode of The Animatrix written and directed by Koji Morimoto.

The surviving robots leave in a mass exodus and build their own new nation in the The United Nations dispatch their aircraft to unleash a massive As the machines advance into Eastern Europe, the desperate human leaders seek a final solution, codenamed: "Operation Dark Storm", which covers the sky in a shroud of Legions of new models of machines that appear more like insectile, To keep their prisoners sedated, the machines create the computer-generated virtual reality of the The next day, he is at school, where he absent-mindedly scribbles Neo and Trinity's name and writes "get me out of here" in his notebook.

The girl spots the floating can –one of the previous glitches– which is no longer floating.