Documenting all these wrongs can seem daunting, especially because their frequency has been increasing Abou Bakr said she gets a report about a new Islamophobic incident every few days— and she has encouraged, as well as accompanied, Muslim women to file harassment reports with the police. The Canadian province has a complicated relationship with its immigrant communities.

Secrétariat aux affaires autochtones, Gouvernement du Québec Its capital, Quebec city, is the oldest city in Canada.

The bystanders did little to help.

Last month, it became the first place in North America to institute such a ban.MONTREAL—When Sarah Abou Bakr was in elementary school, an elderly woman mocked her mother’s head scarf and shouted insults at her in a busy mall here.

In other words, with a majority in Quebec’s Parliament to push the law through, the province can finally close this chapter once and for all.For Abou Bakr, who works with the National Council of Canadian Muslims, an advocacy group, and recently graduated from Montreal’s Concordia University with a degree in political science, Bill 21’s passage is not the end of the story. They argue that people who wear symbols of their religion in public already feel ostracized in Quebec; the new law makes it legal to deny them government jobs. In sharp contrast to the controversy stirred back in 1997, most people in Quebec seem to be backing this new plan, with polls showing about 75% in favour of the elimination of instruction and replacement of it with a “culturally inclusive” course about religion in general. L’islam au Québec est la religion minoritaire la plus importante. All Rights Reserved.People protest Quebec's new Bill 21, which will ban some public servants from wearing religious symbols and clothing. En 2011, il y avait 85 105 de juifs au Québec, représentant 1,1 % de la population québécoise. Some Quebecers fear that the broader Canadian policy of multiculturalism will erase their “distinct identity” as a French-speaking province. Par contre, c’est en Ontario qu’on trouve la plus grande concentration de musulmans du Canada, soit 4,6%, avec ses 581 950 musulmansLe judaïsme est la deuxième religion minoritaire en importance au Québec, après l'islam. She fears it gives a green light to people to publicly voice their anti-Muslim views, or worse.“If I just stay silent to any kind of oppression, big or small … it’s as if I’m saying it’s okay,” she told me. The government initially argued that the cross was cultural, not religious, but finally took it down this month, in an attempt to show that Bill 21 applies equally to all religions.Still, civil-liberties groups say the law is an example of rising xenophobia in Quebec. La religion au Québec inclut une diversité de groupes et de croyances religieuses. While advocates of the measure say it promotes the separation of church and state, opponents already have challenged the law in court, saying it targets Muslim women and erodes … Quebec, French Québec, eastern province of Canada. Quebec — History and Culture Save Although Québec first became British territory in 1759 and joined the predominantly English-speaking country of Canada in 1867, the 1774 Québec Act permitted its French Catholic majority population to preserve their religion, language, and French civil law code to this day. Sitting in a café in a large, multicultural borough of Montreal only days before Bill 21 was passed, she acknowledged that the debate around the law had been painful. Being a Quebecer, they say, means believing that religious symbols might be fine in private, but that public servants shouldn’t be allowed to wear them, lest they impede their decision making at work. En 2011, les musulmans représentaient 3,1 %, leur nombre ayant doublé depuis 2001, atteignant 243 430. Bill 21 states it clearly: “It is important that the paramountcy of State laicity be enshrined in Québec’s legal order.” The province’s version of laicity is not quite the laïcité most commonly associated with France, which has a complete separation of religion from the public space, but it’s not too far off either.The law’s supporters present the measure as being intrinsically part of the province’s identity. The Canadian province of Quebec recently enacted a new law that bans many public employees – including teachers, police officers and judges – from wearing religious symbols in the workplace. Quebec City — The new Quebec law on state neutrality on religion is under fire, as many deem it "discriminatory" against some Muslim women. The Catholic Church has long held sway here, which has left many Quebecers with the view that state secularism should come above all else.