Ron's mother; she is very maternal and protective, but also quite strict. One of the creators of the Marauder's Map. K. Rowling, l’auteur des romans, le décrit comme étant fragile, manipulable et vulnérable :« S’il devait refaire sa vie, il ne serait pas devenu un Mangemort.

Son attitude distante et impassible contraste avec son caractère parfois brutal, notamment avec le héros. The pretty fourth-year Ravenclaw seeker; Harry beats her to the Snitch. Despite being two very different stories, there are some similarities that can be drawn between them. Peter Pettigrew's animagi name, when he is a rat.

Rate. The Potions teacher, and a slimy, ill-tempered man, Snape is the head of Slytherin House and gets great pleasure out of trying to get Harry into trouble. He and his brother George are responsible for passing the Marauder's Map onto Harry. The other of Draco Malfoy's unintelligent, lumbering cronies. The head of Gryffindor House, a stern but deeply concerned witch, and a great aficionado of Quidditch. The handsome Hufflepuff seeker; catches the Snitch when Harry falls from his broom. Harry's stuffy, overweight, and nasty-tempered Muggle uncle. Il méprise particulièrement Harry Potter et se montre sarcastique et moqueur envers Ron, Hermione et Neville Londubat, probablement en raison de leur lien amical avec Harry.J. He is one of the creators of the Marauder's Map. SparkNotes is brought to you by Barnes & Noble. Easily the bravest man in the Harry Potter series, Severus Snape was a rollercoaster ride. Teenage Protagonist (6) Teenage Witch (6) Teenage Wizard (6) Teleportation (6) Vincent Crabbe Character (6) Witchcraft (6) 1990s (5) Altered Version Of Studio Logo (5) Sort by: View: 8 titles 1. 10. Once James Potter's best friend, now an escaped convict from the wizard prison Azkaban, Black is suspected to be the cause of twelve Muggle deaths as well as the indirect cause of the deaths of Harry's parents. Harry Potter et l’Ordre du phénix (2007), de David Yates, à dix-sept ans (et Harry, quinze), Harry Potter et le Prince de sang-mêlé (2009), de David Yates, à dix-neuf ans (Harry, seize). He teaches Harry how to defend himself against Dementors, but he is forced to leave Hogwarts at the end of the year on account of his being a werewolf. Harry's stuffy, underweight, and nasty-tempered Muggle aunt. 7.

Ron is one of Harry's two best friends at Hogwarts. Un anti-héros, peut-être. Another of the creators of the Marauder's Map. Ron's oldest brother still at Hogwarts, a prefect, and a somewhat pompous figure, with, in the end, good intentions. Dès l’âge de douze ans il est propulsé au rang de star avec son rôle dans Harry Potter.Il incarne pour la première fois Harry Potter en 2001, à l’âge de onze ans dans l’adaptation au cinéma du premier roman de J. K. Rowling, Il y fera la connaissance des interprètes des personnages de Ron Weasley et d’Hermione Granger, Rupert Grint et Emma Watson, qu’il retrouvera dans les adaptations des livres suivants :Le succès sans précédent de la série a montré qu’enfants et adolescents n’étaient pas réfractaires à la lecture. Il est cependant doté de la plus belle qualité qui soit selon J. K. Rowling : il est capable d’aimer.« Je pense même que c’est un héros, mais un héros imparfait. Rate. 9. Rogue est un personnage solitaire, froid, calculateur, sarcastique voire moqueur, et très amer.

One of Draco Malfoy's unintelligent, lumbering cronies. 5.

Ron's younger sister, and a sweet and shy red-haired girl with an enormous crush on Harry. The hero and protagonist, Harry is a twelve-year-old boy with messy hair and glasses who became famous within the wizard community by surviving the curse of a powerful wizard. Harry Potter: The protagonist of the story, who is gradually transformed from timid weakling to powerful hero by the end. Remus Lupin's werewolf name. It turns out that he was on Dumbledore's side the whole time and deceived Lord Voldemort from day one. Because his family is very wealthy and influential, Malfoy is able to use his father's power as an intimidation tactic, in this book when he tries to have Hagrid fired and Buckbeak executed.

Once a student who attended Hogwarts fifty years prior to Harry's time, Voldemort molded himself into the most powerful dark wizard the world has ever seen.

Hermione is always the top student in her class. Director: Alfonso Cuarón | Stars: … Sirius Black's animagi name, when he is a large black dog.

A slimy, smirking, and snotty boy from Slytherin House, Malfoy is Harry's greatest Hogwarts nemesis (not counting Voldemort, who usually resides outside Hogwarts). Ron's character is often overshadowed by Harry's, but Ron always manages to succeed. Il apparaît doué, d’un esprit très fin et particulièrement analyste. »Rogue, en tant qu’enseignant, est décrit comme quelqu’un de très sûr de lui et de ses capacités. It is generally believed that Sirius Black turned Harry's parents over to Voldemort, although in truth, Peter Pettigrew is guilty. Rate. The fourth in the group of friends that included James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin, Pettigrew betrayed Lily and James, turning their whereabouts over the Voldemort, then blowing up a dozen Muggles, framing Black and turning himself into a rat so that he could escape.

Ron is tall, red-haired, and from a respected but poor family. Most spells come easily to her and remain in her encyclopedic mind.. Hermione's aggressive ginger cat. He is a threat on the frontier of this story, one of the premier good wizards turned bad, although in the end he is revealed to be innocent in addition to being Harry's godfather. He has a calm, secretive demeanor and is extremely intuitive, tolerant, and trustworthy.

The Divination Professor; an insect-like, rather dramatic women who loves predicting deaths but is not at all accurate in her predictions. In this book, he is the defender of Buckbeak, a hippogriff that is placed on trial for injuring Draco Malfoy. I think in more open ended sandbox RPG's like Skyrim or Fallout, having a silent protagonist works better because there is less of a focus on the overarching narrative and more on the individuals journey, sidequests and choices. RELATED: Harry Potter: The 10 Most Annoying Things the Trio Ever Did. James Potter's animagi name, when he is a stag. Together, the Weasley twins are an infamous, amusing, and charming pair. Harry's character represents good intentions, innocence, and the fantasies of childhood.