That is why we can – and will – tell you what works and what doesn’t.We are very passionate and honest about our krav maga. We offer seminars in any topic related to armed/unarmed fighting. Not just a survivor.Remember, with us, you become a better fighter. Iar aceste stări de pericol în care ne putem afla la un moment dat, ne condiționează nu doar fizic ci … We can safely say we offer th ...We train and are trained by the best experts in the business.
The Krav Maga system is designed to mentally and physically prepare you for precarious situations, by teaching you conflict-resolution techniques and fundamental values like awareness and self-confidence. Commando Krav Maga (CKM) is considered by many experts to be the most evolved and effective Israeli hand-to-hand combat system in the world.
We are a team of highly-qualified, trained professionals distributing Krav Maga as it should be.We are realistic, affordable, efficient and highly skilled. His First Instructor Course he`s doing in 2009 and after some more training and teaching he was able to open the first Krav Maga Club in Mannheim For both beginners and advanced students, attending Krav Maga classes has had a profound effect on their strength and self-control. Photos by Cynthia Brown Our ...We actively organize seminars in Israel. We don’t do sugarcoating. We teach you how to SURVIVE! They know anything can happen and they know how to deal with it. Instead, CKM is designed for the primary goal of survival in no rules environment. Not just a survivor.All our team members have been test-driven in real life, not just in the laboratory. With our no-nonsense approach and straight forward, practical moves, CKM prepares you for the unexpected with simple techniques that YOU can use under pressure.Commando Krav Maga is not a traditional or sport-based martial art. We won’t sell you what you don’t need and we make sure your time with us is worth every penny. Remember, with us, you become a better fighter. Moni Aizik developed Commando Krav Maga (CKM) as a reality-based self-defense system, engineered for … We are a team of highly-qualified, trained professionals distributing Krav Maga as it should be.We are realistic, affordable, efficient and highly skilled. We will give you the skills to make it home safely.A breakthrough system that empowers & protect women.The Ultimate kids program against bullies & predators.Engineered for the most brutal and vicious close quarter’s confrontations.This website uses cookies to improve your experience in accordance with our That means they didn’t get their skills in the lab alone, they have tested them in real life too. We teach you how to SURVIVE! On our team we have high-level experts from the police, military and self-defense. Not just a survivor.We are realistic, affordable, efficient and highly skilled. Combat KRAV-MAGA Trainers All our team members have been test-driven in real life, not just in the laboratory. That means they didn’t get their skills in the lab alone, they have tested them in real life too. Michael Linak Michel is starting Krav Maga more then 14 Years ago. They know anything can happen and they know how to deal with it. There are no competitions, rules or regulations. Krav Maga are ca finalitate ieșirea din starea de pericol, salvarea din fața unei agresiuni săvârșită cu violență, ca lovirea, jaful, tâlhărie, sechestrarea de persoană, violul, etc.
Official International Headquarters for Commando Krav MagaUnprovoked attacks on the street, armed robberies, carjackings, home invasions, active shooters and all kinds of threats — it’s only a matter of time before we become a victim.Commando Krav Maga (CKM) is considered by many experts to be the most evolved and effective Israeli hand-to-hand combat system in the world. And they are not just experienced fighters – they are also experienced and enthusiastic instructors. And they are not just experienced fighters – they are also experienced and enthusiastic instructors. We don’t do sugarcoating. They know how to pass on the knowledge and teach their skills to others.
Remember, with us, you become a better fighter. That is why we can – and will – tell you what works and what doesn’t.We are very passionate and honest about our krav maga.