Find out what each of the six core skills entails and read our brochure 'Unlocking a World of Potential' on why they were formed and the theory behind their selection. Discover tools for assessing the provision of core skills and develop strategies for embedding them effectively within your school and within the curriculum.Discover successful leadership practices to help you integrate and embed the core skills across your school’s curriculum. Help your students understand how digital tools can be used meaningfully for effective learning, communicating and collaborating, and locating, evaluating and analysing information.Understand the foundations of leadership in different learning contexts and the importance of young people developing their own leadership skills in relation to real-world challenges. The British Council is inviting applications from school leaders and teachers for the Core Skills Professional Development Programme. Our education systems, and the young people within them, face some daunting challenges.

A registered charity: 209131 (England and …

Download the brochure 'Core skills - unlocking a world of potential' to find out how the British Council is the British Council is championing the development of these core skills and competencies by supporting teachers to develop their pedagogy in the following areas: Critical thinking and problem solving; Collaboration and communication Skills for life and work in the 21st century Teaching core skills 7 packages training developed by British Council and leading education experts core skills Choose a training package: You will take away: Face to Face: attend local workshops delivered by experienced trainers. Gain practical teaching approaches to introduce the core skills into the classroom and to begin to embed them within the curriculum.Learn about the six core skills, how they apply to real life and why they are essential for students. By supporting teachers to develop their pedagogy in each of the core skills, we aim to give young people the skills and knowledge they need to prosper in a globalised society.Download the brochure 'Core skills - unlocking a world of potential' to find out how the British Council is the British Council is championing the development of these core skills and competencies by supporting teachers to develop their pedagogy in the following areas:© British Council, 10 Spring Gardens, London SW1A 2BN, UK Learn how to lead curriculum change at school, see international examples of effective curriculum development, and understand how to align curriculum development with school priorities and staff professional development.Help your students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills such as how to consider different perspectives, how to evaluate evidence and how to solve non-routine problems.

Teachers who would like to take the course are required to complete the one-day Introduction to Core Skills Course. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland) Core skills training develops teachers’ pedagogy and gives students the tools they need to prosper in a globalised world, preparing them for the future in the best possible way. The British Council and EAQUALS have joined together to create a core curriculum inventory for the English language based around key language points for each level, including grammar, vocabulary, discourse markers and functions. The training packages give participants the tools and approaches they need to ensure effective core skills provision in their schools, including strategies for planning, monitoring and improving teaching and learning and for mapping core skills across the curriculum. Online support will also be provided throughout the project implementation phase.Learn more about each of the core skills featured in the training packages.Learn about the six core skills, how they apply to real life and why they are essential for students. We are on the ground in six continents and over 100 countries, bringing international opportunity to life, every day. Develop activities and initiatives to enable your students to better communicate and collaborate beyond their classrooms with people from other cultures and countries.Learn what citizenship means at the local, national and international levels, and how to develop citizenship skills and values in your students. Discover practical ways to teach citizenship in the classroom and develop leadership techniques to help to embed citizenship within the curriculum.Get to grips with the core concepts and practices of digital literacy and how to incorporate these into the curriculum. Teachers and School Leaders need to be empowered and enabled to create a learning environment where they can deliver teaching and learning which allows young people to develop core skills and competencies.We also encourage school leaders to complete the Introduction to Core Skills for School Leaders courseCore skills are the essential skills that young people need to be fully prepared for life and work in a global economy. Learn how these skills can be taught and assessed and see practical examples for developing them in the classroom.Learn about the importance of creativity as an underpinning approach to teaching and learning. Creative Public Leadership - Joe Hallgarten (Adobe PDF 1MB) Unlocking a world of potential - Mark Herbert (Adobe PDF 2MB) Supporting 21st century teachers - Artur Taevere (Adobe PDF 3MB) Bridging The GAP - David Ross (Adobe PDF 5MB)

Find out more about us. These are taught over a 4 to 8 week period, with a 2-day face-to-face session at the beginning, a period to implement a project plan, and another 1-day face-to-face session at the end. Sometimes referred to as deep learning or 21st century skills, they introduce young people to new ways of working, new ways of thinking and new ways of living in a global world.Developing these skills will help young people grow into creative and critical citizens, ready to shape the future for themselves and future generation.The British Council is inviting applications from school leaders and teachers for the Core Skills Professional Development Programme.