While the Basilica at the, palace at Trier, the palace of Constantius Chlorus at Trier is so clearly based on earlier Roman Basilican architecture. Not herded with a group.

As well as a very interesting use of, projecting elements that are very simple. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Dr QuincyAbsolutely loved the course! The interior of the Aula Palatina is also very well preserved. And I, I think it's well worth comparing it to the interior of the Chorea that we looked at last time, because again, it shows a, a vision of, the Tetrarchy, a vision that is consistent from Rome to the provinces, this whole idea of paring things down to their basics, of creating a box-like shape, no columnar architecture whatsoever, a very sparsely decorated, rectangular space with a flat ceiling and with round-headed windows. Aula Palatina. So in that sense, again, one foot in the pagan past. Which is a very interesting and unusual and in fact unique approach. We see a plan and a restored view from Ward-Perkins now on the screen, and if you look at the plan you will see that in the main, it follows the Basilican plan we've become so accustomed to. Here's the view of the Aula Palatina as it looks today. But if you think those columns away and just look at the way in which the apse is designed with the round-headed windows, the same round-headed windows in the upper story up here, I think that you can see how much it owes to buildings like the Aula Palatina.Dunham Professor of History of Art and Classics at Yale University I show you a restored view, we've looked at it before, of the Basilica Ulpia in Rome, part of the Forum of Trajan. Among Trier’s other notable sights is undoubtedly St. Peter's Cathedral (aka Trier...  They're, in my mind, a kind of abstract version of what, of a pilaster, and they're very effective, I think, in terms of the, aesthetic appeal of this particular building. FANTASTIC COURSE: Although I've been to Rome several times, this course opened my eyes to many aspects of Roman Architecture I was heretofore unaware of. Trier is a great place for a great shopping adventure.

The scheme of two rows of, round headed windows in the niche as well. You can see these wonderful round headed windows and how large they are. The Aula Palatina was built around AD 310 as a part of the palace complex. Choose the city attractions that you want to see and a walk route map will be created just for you. So this, those, so again, one foot in the pagan past, one in the Christian future. You see a view of it here. Today it is owned and used as church by a congregation within the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland. But it does, no longer has its outer courtyard, and it no longer has its railings but the rest is there. Self guided walk is the SAFEST way to sightsee while observing SOCIAL DISTANCING! The long history of the city made Trier one of the most beautiful cities in Germany from an architectural point of view. It's a perfect space for that.

Constantius Chlorus had begun a palace in Trier. Trier has numerous beautiful architectural buildings that feature various architectural styles and eras. It is very famous for being the capital of a Roman province during the Roman Empire. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that It dates to 300 to 310 AD, again part of the palace of Constantius Chlorus, completed by Constantine. And you can see what I was describing just before, these molded elements that project out into our space, they, they kind of look like they're made to, conjure up pilasters, but they don't have any capitals and they don't have any bases. New architectural ideas abound.

We've talked about the ability of architects to dematerialize the wall at this point in time and the way in which they have opened it up with very large windows. Stark, geometric, abstract in the tetrarchic manner. No columns in here. Also opening it up, dematerializing it, allowing light to stream into the building in what is a very spiritual way and, again, not at all surprising that it would be transformed in later times into a church. It does show you as well, that the building is made out of solid brick. The Aula Palatina, also called Basilica of Constantine, at Trier, Germany is a Roman palace basilica that was commissioned by the emperor Constantine I at the beginning of the 4th century. So this, this paring down of the elements that is so consistent with the tetrarchic ethos. Before the Christian Era, it was the capital city of the local Roman province. On the left-hand side of the screen, the restored view of the exterior, it shows not only those low-lying columnar courtyards, but also that there were railings on two stories. It's that kind of thing, that kind of Basililcan plan that lies behind the design of the Basilica at the Palace of Constantius Chlorus in Trier, but it also looks forward to others. Trier is a beautiful city located on the banks of the Moselle River. The Arch of Constantine commemorates Constantine's victory at the Milvian Bridge and serves as a compendium of Constantine's accomplishments matching those of “good” second-century Roman emperors.Constantine so Constantine completed this gateway but he also completed the palace that had been begun by his father. They're a simplified, abstract version of pilasters. Take this walk in order to see some of them.Self-guided walking tours apps on iOS and Android for exploring cities on foot - they make bus tours obsolete!Not packed in a bus. Thanks so much! A great open rectangular space with an apse on one end and with all attention drawn toward that apse. It may have been used in the same fashion here.
The Trier Bishops were some of the most powerful men during the Middle ages. You can even set your hotel as the start point of the walk. Take this walk and follow the history of the city of Trier from ancient times to the present through its most interesting landmarks. And I can show you it's extremely well preserved.