No, auf Wiedersehen is quite a formal thing to say like "goodbye" is, and it doesn't have the literal meaning that you will see the person again - it's just polite.

Phrase []. "Auf" is a preposition whose direct translation changes depending on the context. Why hold that back from everyone?

After that, I further tormented my poor family by researching and sharing a brief history of the English language, which brings me to "goodbye". It is a shame that more Christians like you don't recognize the fallacies of any human rendering of the possible supernatural.

but the majority seem to completely refuse to engage such an idea (probably because they're so... human).I know "auf wiedersehen" means "goodbye", but is there another translation?For example, I was randomly researching words and origins earlier, because it suddenly hit me that most of the words for "Monday" mean "moonday", which brought me to looking up the origins for the days of the week names. That so many people read the Bible thousands of years later and refuse to recognize it has been extremely altered and made to perpetuate prejudices over time never ceases to amaze me. This is the formal and polite way to say the goodbye. The English translations hardly touch upon the original Hebrew (O.T.) Translator. auf Wiedersehen. 1918, Elisabeth von Heyking, Die Orgelpfeifen, in Zwei Erzählungen, Phillipp Reclam jun., page 63–64: Und während die beiden Enkel auf dem Bahnhof mit festem Händedruck und einem „Auf Wiedersehen!“ voneinander Abschied nahmen und jeder seines Weges seinem Geschick entgegenschritt, sann Großmama in dem der Heimat zurollenden Zuge nach, … Throughout time it has been revamped and retranslated.

I am envious because I wish I had thought to ask it.

Auf Wiedersehen is literally "until we see again" but should be translated as goodbye.

Now most just (and this goes back to your "bossy" question) interpret whatever stunted version they have in a self-serving manner, judging everyone except themselves.
We only hope that you, our clients, had no problem in reaching us, despite the fact that our telephone system stillSeien Sie dabei, wenn die Ensembles humorvolle und ernste, stimmungsvolle undBe on hand when the ensembles present humorous and serious,Belinda, die seit fast 20 Jahren mit Wildtieren umgeht, durfte sich noch an einer letzten bärigenBelinda, who has managed wild animals for nearly 20 years, has been enjoyingim Dunkel verschwinden und bereits die Silhouette von anderen zu erkennen, die sich ankündigen und die man ebenso verlassen wird, eines the dark, and already to identify the silhouette of others who have given notice of their coming, and whom one will equally leave behind, one day.Fra Slavko: Du hast Dein Kreuz unter das Kreuz des Herrn getragen, ließest es dort, um danach in Deinem Tod uns alle in solch großer Zahl anzuziehen: den örtlichen Bischof, die ganze Provinz, so viele andere Brüder-Priester, Gläubige, Pilger, die Tausende von Kilometern Weges überwundenSlavko: You brought your cross here beneath the Lord's cross, you left it there, so that thereby in your own death you too would draw us all here in this great number: the local Bishop, the entire Province, so great a number of other brother priests, of the faithful, of pilgrims who covered thousands of kilometers to be Heimweh und spürte den Wunsch, dass ich meinem BruderAfter it was all over, I started feeling homesick for theJetzt wissen wir, was einen Leuchter und ist wie dieses Ding sieht aus wie gut sind Sie wahrscheinlich vermuten, dass es das Thema Titel verhandelt wird, nicht viel mit gratis Essen, leider, die frei Teppanyaki tunganze Reihe von dir, ich sollte in der Lage, eine Japan-Tournee zu behandelnNow we know what a candlestick is and how this thing looks like, well are you probably suspect that itBegrüßung war eine erste Hommage, eine musikalische Einstimmung auf die wunderschöne Schweiz, auf das Heimatland desJahren Wirken in der Papierbranche nun in den wohlverdienten Ruhestand geht.Kormann, President and CEO of the Corporate Board of Management of Voith AG a first homage, setting the mood forafter having worked for more than 40 years in the paper industry, goes into well-earned retirement.After practicing Agnihotra regularly for two months,Wenn diese ehrenhafte Organisation jetzt eine Politik der Abtreibung adoptiert, wird sie den Menschenrechten, ihrem HauptprinzipIf this honorable organization adopts now a policy in favor ofDer zweite Tag der Abenteuer in der Beskid Maly begann aus einem gemeinsamen Frühstück unter dem Forum, gemeinsame Fotos von der Hütte, reden über alles started from a common breakfast among the forum, shared photos of the hut, talk about

I know you are a Christian and I an atheist, but I utterly respect the fact that you have looked into your beliefs with such depth and kept always in the back of your mind the fact that those of a high position - royalty, despots, lawmakers, tyrants, etc.- have ripped any original scripts apart so as to enforce their often terroristic beliefs upon the masses.