... Conservation efforts are extremely important for regions like Fiji's tropical dry forests because for many of its endemic species, once they are gone from these areas, they can never be replaced. The two largest islands are Viti Levu and Vanua Levu.Fiji's climate is considered tropical marine and is therefore mild. Fiji, officially called the Republic of Fiji, is an island group located in Fiji was first settled about 3,500 years ago by Melanesian and Polynesian settlers.

Formed through tectonic forces or volcanism, mountains stretch and tower thousands of feet above the surrounding land.All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2020 worldatlas.com

Where is Fiji located? Physical Geography Click to learn more about Rain Shadow and the Orographic Effect . These mountainous islands were formed around 150 million years ago through volcanic activity, and are subsequently covered in thick tropical forests. In certain instances, rivers will either flow into the ground or dry up completely before reaching a larger body of water. Industry in Fiji is largely based on tourism, sugar, clothing, copra, gold, silver, and lumber. River water is collected from precipitation, groundwater recharge, and the release of stored water in ice and snowpacks. The following year, Mahendra Chaudhry, Fiji's first Indian prime minister, took office.

Amanda Briney, M.A., is a professional geographer. By using ThoughtCo, you accept ourAn Overview of the History and Geography of New Zealand Landforms are categorized by a number of physical attributes including rolling plains, broad valleys, deserts, coastlines, and the slope and elevation of mountains. Geography. Geography is the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, in addition to the human activity that affects these. Geography is the nature and relative arrangement of places and physical features. Fiji also has a judicial branch that is comprised of a Supreme Court, a Court of Appeal, a High Court, and Magistrate's Courts.Fiji has one of the strongest economies of any Pacific island nation because it is rich in natural resources and is a popular tourist destination.

Located in the South Pacific Ocean, some 1,300 miles (2,000 km) northeast of New Zealand's North Island, the island nation of Fiji is comprised of more than 332 islands, of which 110 are inhabited, and an additional 500 islets.. Lakes are inland bodies of water that are fed and drained by rivers; there are also artificial lakes, constructed for industrial or agricultural use, hydro-electric power, domestic water supply, or simply for aesthetic purposes. Native Fijian traditions were also for the most part maintained. During In 1998, Fiji adopted a new constitution that specified that its government would be run by a multiracial cabinet. After one such war in 1874, a Fijian tribal chief named Cakobau ceded the islands to the British, which officially began British colonialism in Fiji.Under British colonialism, Fiji experienced the growth of plantation agriculture. In 2007, Frank Bainimarama became prime minister after Senilagakali resigned and he brought more military power into Fiji and refused democratic elections in 2009.Today, Fiji is considered a republic with a chief of state and head of government.

This is a list of the extreme points of Fiji, the points that are farther north, south, east or west than any other location. The two largest islands are Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, and between the two of them make up 87% of Fiji's total landmass. Earth's surface has been modified over millions of years by a combination of geological processes that include, but are not limited to, the uplift of mountain ranges, the growth of volcanoes, and the formation of drainage basins (in which the surface of the landscape drops and is filled with eroded material). In September of that year, Laisenia Qarase was sworn as prime minister with a cabinet of ethnic Fijians.In 2003, however, Qarase's government was declared unconstitutional and there was an attempt to once again install a multiethnic cabinet. Much of Fiji's terrain is varied and its islands consist mainly of small beaches and mountains with a volcanic history.

About 110 of these islands are inhabited. Ethnic hostilities continued, however, and in 2000 armed soldiers staged another governmental coup which eventually caused an election in 2001.

In December 2006, Qarase was removed from office and Jona Senilagakali was appointed as the interim prime minister. The Tropical dry forests of Fiji are located where the mountains create a rain shadow, on the leeward side of the mountain. In addition, agriculture is a large part of Fiji's economy and its chief agricultural products are sugarcane, coconuts, cassava, rice, sweet potatoes, bananas, cattle, pigs, horses, goats, and fish.The country of Fiji is spread across 332 islands in the South Pacific Ocean and is located closest to Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Generally, lakes are considered to be temporary over geologic time scales, as they slowly fill in with sediments. Rivers are natural courses of water, usually freshwater, that flow towards an ocean, lake or sea, or sometimes into another river. The Fiji Islands are located in the Southern Hemisphere, surrounded by the South Pacific Ocean. Fiji consists of 332 islands in the southwest Pacific Ocean about 1,960 mi (3,152 km) from Sydney, Australia.

Europeans did not arrive on the islands until the 19th century but upon their arrival, many wars broke out between the various native groups on the islands. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY . The two largest are Viti Levu (4,109 sq mi; 10,642 sq km) and Vanua Levu (2,242 sq mi; 5,807 sq km). TROPICAL DRY FORESTS. The two largest islands are Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, and between the two of them make up 87% of Fiji's total landmass.