J'onn J'onzz was a Green Martian born on the planet of Mars where he was considered an upstanding citizen.

He always speaks with politeness to his associates both young and old and doesn't show any signs of anger, although he can be stern at times. Martian Manhunter often takes a form that resembles a tall, muscular humanoid with green skin and blood red eyes. Meditation: Martians enter a meditative state as a form of sleep. Genius Level Intellect: The Martian Manhunter possesses highly advanced reasoning and logic capabilities and uses them to great effect. He can be expressed as the voice of reason for the Justice League. J'onzz can manipulate atoms, subatomic particles, and cells perfectly. J'onn was however plagued by insanity from the knowledge of his entire species' death and so Erdel used J'onn's psionic abilities to implant a new backstory into the Martian's brain, inspired by retro sci-fi stories about Mars. His head is completely bald, and his face is oddly proportioned with heavy brows and thick lips. This was until a global racial-war broke out between the Green Martians and their sister-species, the White Martians. All of these abilities make him one of the most powerful beings on the planet. His costume is primarily black, with red accents, and a large red belt and x-shaped straps across his chest. This was until a global racial-war broke out between the Green Martians and their sister-species, the White Martians. His only weakness in an inherent fear of fire, which all Martians have. He always wears a blue cape that is fastened by gold clips. He would eventually become a founding member of the Justice League of America. J'onn J'onzz AKA Martian Manhunter is a member of the Justice League who sometimes works with Batman. J'onn J'onzz was the last Martian and one of the founding members of the Justice League. Martian Manhunter is able to mentally control/manipulate (move, push, cut out, attract, and levitate) objects with his telekinesis even at the atomic level. Telepathy: Martian Manhunter is able to read minds, mentally communicate with others and project the his thoughts into others. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When the scientist discovered J'onn could shapeshift, he was so shocked that he died of a heart-attack and spent his last moments alive asking J'onn for forgiveness for taking him from his planet. Telekinesis: A further remnant left on his mind by his beloved M'yri'ah, J'onn possesses the ability to move objects with his mind. J'onn can be seen as the true founder of the Justice League, having telepathically reached out to each of the founding members, except for Batman, who nonetheless followed Superman's lead, and gathered them together. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. After defeating the White Martians' leader, J'onn was banished to the deserts of Mars for 13 Years. J'onn J'onzz was a Green Martian born on the planet of Mars where he was considered an upstanding citizen. One of the last surviving members of his species, the Martian Manhunter wields such powers as the ability to shape-shift, telepathy, flight, invisibility, phasing, super-strength and Martian vision. A martian holocaust killed his wife and daughter, nearly driving him mad until he was brought to Earth in an accident caused by scientist Saul Erdel. Flight: Martian Manhunter can mimic the ability of flight by telekinetically levitating himself in the air. Martian Manhunter is a serious and level headed man who maintains a calm and cool exterior. Like Batman he is a vigilante-detective and superhero. Martian Manhunter, also known as J'onn J'onzz and John Jones, is a superhero from the planet Mars and the last surviving member of his race. J'onn used his shapeshifting abilities to blend in with human-society and assumed the identity of He would go on to be a high-ranking member of the Justice League. Telekinesis: Martian Manhunter is capable of moving solid objects solely with the power of his own mind. J'onn J'onzz was a Green Martian born on the planet of Mars (known to the Martians as Meanwhile on Earth, a scientist named Dr. Saul Erdel salvaged ancient Martian technology which he used to bend time and space, bringing J'onn to Earth. J’onn J’onzz, commonly known by his more menacing name, Martian Manhunter, has been a figure in the DC universe as far back as the 1950s. As a Martian, Martian Manhunter possess a number of inhuman super powers.